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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Purple Potatoes & More

When I was a little girl my favorite color was PURPLE!!! Everything I had/wanted was purple. EVERYTHING....
Today we went to my great grandpa's house where my great uncle Paul lives. After enjoying lunch and family inside we wondered outside... We were headed for the creek where my family always likes to go for a stroll but we stopped in the garden and planted a couple of trees. Where there are trees planted now was a huge beautiful garden that my great-grandpa had when I was a little girl. And when I was a girl I found the most wonderful purple vegetable. I insisted that we take it home and cook it for dinner. It was purple, so it had to be good right?  I was incredibly wrong... I hate to admit when I am wrong; but, I was very wrong about the eggplant tasting good.... IT DID NOT! And to this day 20+ years later I have never had eggplant again.
Purple has always intrigued me though. This past summer I spent a month in Virginia studying for my graduate degree. I took my mother along with me on the trip and we took advantage of the weekends when I was not having to study to go to local farmer's markets and see what the locals had that we did not.... I found the most beautiful purple potatoes. We bought all they had left and brought them home to cook for our family. We had mashed potatoes, French fries, and dehydrated chips out of them. They taste just like regular potatoes, but they are purple.
Needless to say... We will be planting them in our garden this year! Aren't they beautiful! Along with the purple potatoes we found a few other unique items that we want to try a hand at planting. The picture to the left is a screenshot from the website we ordered our seeds from. Just a few of the items are peanuts, purple carrots, purple potatoes, purple beans, and purple asparagus. (Asparagus not pictured.) There will also be a few other fun items to try and some old staples too.
Alex has been chopping some of the oaks down to make way for more garden space. Right now the pigs are tilling the land and fertilizing it to get it ready for planting.

2 Corinthians 9:6 - But this [I say], He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he with soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.


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