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Sunday, January 3, 2016

Saving Money on the Electric Bill

     Next week we will be coming up on our seventh year anniversary...We were thinking back at all the places we have lived in our short married life (rented an apartment, bought a house, moved to GA and rented a house, bought a house in GA, and this house.) So, not counting all the places we have stayed in-between this will be our fifth. We looked at the cost of what we spend on things each month and realized that of all the places that we have lived, this winter our electric bill was the lowest it has ever been.
     In the past, we have spent anywhere from $120-$250 a month on our electric bills. This past month we got our bill and it was only $61!!! We were so excited that with a little effort and being mindful of what we are doing we could bring it down.
     Today was a perfect day for cutting firewood. After church, we were able to cut about two ricks of wood in only three hours. And that included running to town to get a fresh chain. The wood will need to dry quite a bit before burning, but by mixing green logs (fresh cut) and seasoned logs, we can maintain a longer, hotter burning fire.
     In order to maintain the most efficient cutting time, our family has a series of roles. I use the saw to fall, limb, and section the tree up while Melissa keeps brush out of my way for a safe working environment. Beau keeps watch of the puppy and does any gopher (go-for) chores we need. We try to do these kind of chores while Jett and Claire are napping in order to free up our attention to the task.
     While we are in need of firewood throughout the winter, the reason for removing so many is to make space for our upcoming spring garden. The pigs will be released into the area to cultivate it for the remaining winter months. Once spring arrives, our garden spot will be tilled, fertilized, and nearly ready for planting.
      This firewood is our sole source of heat through the winter. We don't turn on the HVAC for heat at all. In our home the wood stove is positioned central to the entire house. It  easily heats up the living/kitchen/dining areas and when the bedroom doors are open in the evening, will keep the kids warm too (this is about 2,000 sq.ft. of heated space). I also make sure the children turn off lights when they leave the room and we keep unnecessary items unplugged. We do, however, keep three heat lamps on at all times for the baby chickens and puppy. This brought our total electric bill last month to $61, which we were very excited about.

Ephesians 2:8  (KJV)  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

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